Love on them



Love On Them is a song written about humans, for humans. When writing the song, Martina allowed the lyrics and stories to fall out of her like second nature. Her goal was to write a story, and make people feel something. She wanted to write a song that people could relate to and live by, and something that would be timeless for all generations. Martina was fortunate enough to record the song at Saxman Studios in Nashville TN, and producer Grady Saxman made the song come to life. Martina hopes that “Love On Them” will touch people in a way that real country music tends to do, and that people will be inspired to live by the lyrics and message that she tries to live by every day.

it’s always worth it to take your time, and go the extra mile…

Sittin Pretty as a Girl Can Get

Sittin Pretty as a Girl Can Get

MEet MArtina Dawn

Hold onto your cowboy hats, folks! Martina Dawn is about to take the country music world by storm! This young powerhouse has been pouring her heart and soul into her music since before she was even a teenager, and she's not stopping anytime soon. With a captivating voice and a stage presence that is sure to catch your eye, Martina is ready to show the world what she’s got. She was the 2021 CMAB Horizon Youth Award winner and was nominated for the 2022 CMAB Horizon Female Artist Of The Year. As she grows in her career she has a goal to connect with audiences in live venues as well as on digital streaming platforms. She is grateful to have over 250k streams across streaming platforms, and over 5k monthly listeners on Spotify. So what are you waiting for? Head to @martinadawnmusic on your favourite social media platforms to check out all of her latest music, and get ready to have a great time with one of Alberta’s brightest rising stars.

Good Golly, Good Lord, Couldn't ask for more!

Good Golly, Good Lord, Couldn't ask for more!